Thursday, September 5, 2013

First day of school - part 2

The first day of school -for Year 1, their first time in the main school building, where they learnt how to stand  still when the whistle blows
Absolutely still.

And then they showed their new teachers how nicely they could line up. 

What smart children!

New shoes, new uniforms, new haircuts!
(and they all seem to have grown since last term)

Three more pictures from reception:
reading the books..

...playing in the water,

...and enjoying the sand pit

Back in the large hall, a new screen arrived, for our projected backdrops when we do productions. It was very heavy, taking four people to lift it up there. 
Good job we bought that new scaffolding tower in the summer (see earlier blog) as the builders had only brought one with them, and it wasn't enough!