Thursday, August 29, 2013

Work in progress before school starts. Part two.

Tuesday morning. There's a sad space on the wall where the portrait of Mr Jesson, the founder of the school, hung before it was accidentally damaged.

Outside, a recovery truck has come to collect Dennis, the school bus, to take him off for refurbishment

The truck surveys the scene

Reversing towards Dennis

In the end, they decided that towing Dennis across the playground would damage our playground (it's not built to cover traffic - only children!)

So, on Grange Road, Dennis is hitched up. You have to disable the drive shaft, or else it could blow up while being towed!

And look, the portrait is back - after 4 months away being restored by Moira, who does lots of work for Birmingham's museums and art galleries.
She said Mr Jesson looked like a kind person - and the Bloglady has to agree!

Below, a sketch of some of Dennis's refurbishment plans
And two drafts for the side panels - usually used for advertising