Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A new arrival!

The day dawned bright and clear, and the lorry pulled onto the field

The marquee begins to take shape

The sides are on

Looking good...

And now the stage is in. This is Fusion Rock choir at 7 pm tonight trying out their places for Friday's JessFest

This marquee will be full on Friday night - 7 till 9pm. Will you be there? It will be a fantastic night. The Bloglady's last big concert. Don't miss it.
Choirs involved : Jubilate, Vocalize, and Fusion (our adult rock choir - the biggest in the area) 
Tickets are only £4. Available from the school office. BUT NOT AVAILABLE AT THE GATE, SO YOU NEED TO BUY IN ADVANCE.

Meanwhile - the Inter House Gymnastics competition blue PE mats are in position ready for tomorrow morning. (See the final picture, above) The tension mounts!.....