Thursday, May 22, 2014

We are a good school - official

No pictures today. Just two announcements:

1. School is open tomorrow 

2. Our Ofsted report has finally been agreed. 
We are a GOOD SCHOOL. (We knew that, but it's good to have official recognition)

Some quotes from the report (available online after half term - and we'll send a copy home to parents, again after half term):

"Pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics throughout the school because they are taught well"

"Good teaching is the key to pupils’ good achievement."

"Pupils are keen and eager to learn. They want to do well" 

"Pupils are valued as individuals and their wide range of cultural backgrounds is celebrated particularly well."

"Occasions, such as assemblies and other gatherings, are uplifting and moving spiritual experiences." 

"Children get off to a good start to their learning in the Nursery and Reception classes because they receive good-quality support that helps them to succeed."

"Teachers have good subject knowledge and teach literacy and mathematics well because they focus on making sure pupils get exactly the right level of help they need to succeed."

"Performing arts are a very important part of school life. They make a major contribution towards pupils’ excellent spiritual and cultural development."

"Great emphasis is placed on pupils’ personal development and, to this end, a wealth of visits, visitors and out-of-school activities are provided that broaden pupils’ understanding of the wider community and celebrate the different cultures that exist within the school"

"Governors monitor the work of the school effectively"

"Parents have many opportunities to participate in their children’s learning. A good example of this can be seen in the ‘Working Together’ initiative"