Monday, July 15, 2013


Today was the dress rehearsal for our big production of Joseph. All of the children from Years 5 and 6 are involved, as well as many staff from all over the school.

Above, the children wait in the hall as the furniture is sorted.
Below, part of the scenery

Mr Mitchell and Mr Holmes at the sound desk, avoiding the camera

Look at the array of equipment - sound, light, radio mikes, computer graphics - it's a massive job to get it right!
The hall is needed for dinners, so every day (and sometimes twice a day) it needs setting up for performance. No wonder the hall team children are a blur of activity (below)

We have to move all the benches, all the musical equipment, set up the stage, do sound and lighting checks.... it's a real team effort.

The dress rehearsal went very well indeed. This show will be spectacular. Get your tickets from the school office - there are still some left (Tuesday and Wednesday evening at 7 pm)
You don't have to be a parent: in fact we encourage parents from other year groups to bring their families, so they can see what we achieve by the time children leave us!