Sunday, December 2, 2012

What a week!

The week has been full of historic events:

Historic event 1:
Here's the new equipment in the Nursery playground. Two towers...
.... and a climbing wall
Historic event 2:
Reception have this trail for climbing and balancing. (The pencils aren't new - we've had those for a while)
This looks like great fun.
Historic event 3:
You've seen pictures of this seating already, but this is the historic moment when the children tried it out for the first time
Very exciting
Historic event 4:
And pictures I didn't think we had: shots of Jubilate at their concert in Birmingham last Saturday.

Strange to see Mrs Roden singing for a change!!!! (She's our wonderful conductor, in case you weren't aware!)

Here is international conductor Scott Stroman, who worked with the various bands

Historic event 5 (but this is just personal to the Bloglady)
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