Friday, November 15, 2013

Poppies - and a dog

Here's a display of poppies from earlier in the week

Carl and his guide dog Quasar who visited on Wednesday

The School Council have nominated Guide Dogs for the Blind as their charity for the year

Carl lost his sight suddenly and he and Quasar make a great team

Just in case you were wondering....
 What is a quasar?

Mysterious objects emitting radio waves were first identified in 1963 by radio astronomers who called them quasi-stellar radio sources, or quasars. Their origin was debated for a long time, but quasars are now thought to be extremely bright discs of matter swirling around supermassive black holes at the centres of distant galaxies.
Quasars are often so bright that they drown out any light from the galaxies surrounding them, giving them a star-like appearance from our perspective on Earth. Information from the BBC website