The office staff were printing the new School Improvement Plan ready for tomorrow's training
Over in the Foundation Block, there were last minute decisions to be made about timetabling,...
...a new recordkeeping system for the new Foundation Curriculum,...
...and a look at the list of new children who will be starting Nursery.
Outside, the old (dangerous) wall is being replaced by a fence. This will make the alleyway brighter, and more open.
4F's classroom is almost ready
There's still a bit of work to be done on 5O's classroom
6S is almost ready to move into - although it looks like Mr Seager's desk has died!
Will we be ready? Of course we will - we're all looking forward to it.
There are 3 new members of staff on these pictures. Did you spot them? (There are others too, but I haven't got a picture yet)