Sunday, April 28, 2013

Numbers, numbers, numbers - Reception Working Together

The workshop was about maths.
There's a list of the activities at the end - see if you can spot them as you look at the pictures!
(Below, we had such a great turn out, that some parents had to go over to foundation to continue with the activities over there.)

Activities included:
  • making number fans
  • snakes and ladders
  • number formation with play dough
  • writing sums and numbers in flour
  • using number lines and ordering numbers on white boards
  • colouring by number
  • exploring sand and water- finding ladybirds, counting the spots and matching them to the correct number flashcard.
  • exploring a wide range of maths resources that we use with the children.
  • number bingo.
 Did you spot them all? (The Bloglady managed 7! But I might have cheated a little)