Saturday, April 27, 2013

A watery experience - Nursery Working Together

These are pictures from last week's working Together (19th April)

The theme was water.

This is bubble printing; the children had to blow into the cups to create bubbles (NOT suck the paint up the straw)!

There was a magnetic fishing game to make which required a lot of cutting out.
You only have to look at the faces to see how worthwhile it was! 
There was a record attendance by families 
Concentration is a hugely important skill for children to develop. 
  • Mrs Rowlands demonstrated making cooked playdough; there was a recipe to take home.
  • Mrs Mann showed the parents how to make a box to keep all the bits in. There was lots of folding involved.
  • There were lots of books to read and parents could take home guidance on how to read a book with a child.
We thank you all for coming: it means so much to your child. Time spent with your children is a better present than all the toys, computers and fancy clothes you could ever give them.

(Tomorrow - Reception Working Together)