Year two spent last week investigating shapes. They had a super time building their own 3D shape skeletons. The children were given straws, play doh and a set of 3D shapes.
They worked in small groups or with a partner talking about properties of shapes. They then investigated which shapes they could make. They were unsuccessful with their spheres!
Last night we held Parents Evening at school. There were lots of different experiences for parents in the hall, including samples of the school dinner menu, a Book Fayre and the Brownies and Guides. Thank you to everyone who attended.
These are the photographs from the afternoon session of Family Learning (Reception and Year 1). All the work will be on display at the Art Space in Birdcage Walk in Dudley, from 7th November for the rest of the month.
Today Year 4 led the Harvest Service at Church. It was a wonderful service which everybody enjoyed. Thank you all for your kind donations of food, which has all been donated to the Black Country Food Bank.