Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Fair, part 2

The newly decorated Christmas tree appeared in the Hall over the weekend. Mr Rowbottom and family spent much of saturday putting it up.

At the fair, you could buy balloons...

...lots of balloons...

...lots and lots of balloons!
 Or, you could win prizes.
It was good to see some children from secondary schools come to visit us and win all the prizes 

What are these elves doing?
They're waiting to let people into Santa's grotto. These two are next in the queue 
 You could have your face painted too.
A great evening.. Thanks to all who helped.

The raffle was drawn yesterday (Tuuesday). A list of prize winners is availalble in school.

And thankyou to Mr Holmes. He has sorted out the problem I had yesterday: too much storage, not enough space.